Andu Fratu, Developer in Madrid, Spain
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Andu Fratu

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Development Developer

Madrid, Spain
Toptal Member Since
December 11, 2018

Since 2007, Andu一直以程序员的身份谋生,他既是一名自由职业者,也是大大小小的公司各种团队的一员. 始终如一的是,他总是追求卓越,在他的下一个项目中超越自己. 他还拥有网络和移动技术方面的经验,并且总是准备迎接挑战. 安杜非常习惯于在不同的环境中与来自世界各地的人一起工作.


Swift, Android, iOS, Ionic, Cordova, Angular, TypeScript, JavaScript, PHP, Vue...
React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Laravel, Chart.js, Figma, Web Development...
Freelance Clients
React, TypeScript, JavaScript, Vue 2, MongoDB, Web Dashboard, Dashboard设计...




Preferred Environment

Git, Emacs, MacOS, Linux

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Chief Technical Officer

2015 - PRESENT
  • 使用PHP从头开始为餐厅构建在线订购平台的后端.
  • 从零开始开发Android和iOS应用程序,作为同一在线餐厅点餐平台的一部分, using Ionic with Cordova.
  • 用Angular为同一个在线订购平台创建了一个web模块.
  • 运行为在线订购平台的客户端提供服务所需的服务器基础设施.
  • 开发各种工具和脚本,自动执行平台日常操作的不同任务和流程.
技术:Swift, Android, iOS, Ionic, Cordova, Angular, TypeScript, JavaScript, PHP, Vue, Node.js, Express.js, CakePHP, Agile Software Development, Facebook API, Test-driven Development (TDD), Google Analytics API, Cordova Plugins, CSS, HTML5, Back-end, APIs, REST APIs, Full-stack, Full-stack Development, Nuxt.js, ECMAScript (ES6), Front-end, Testing, REST, Front-end Development, Apache, Linux, MySQL, Objective-C, Git, PHP 5, MacOS, HTML, AngularJS, SaaS, Beanstalkd, Programming, Bootstrap, Message Queues, Mobile, Startups, Team Leadership, Architecture, API Integration, Facebook Login, App Reviews, NoSQL, Firebase, eCommerce, Back-end Architecture, Payment Gateways, Technical Leadership, Database Design, Software Architecture, Web Development, Redis, Ubuntu, SCSS, Mobile App Development, Card Payments, Digital Payments, Stripe Payments, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Databases, CTO, Firebase Cloud Functions, Web Design, Leadership, SQL, Back-end Development, Authorization, User Authentication, Design Systems, Docker, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Dashboards, CVS, CSV Export, Vue 2, Web Dashboards, Dashboard Design, Sass, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), DigitalOcean, GitHub, Vanilla JS, Software

Full-stack Developer

2023 - 2024
  • 使用Laravel实现后端,并使用Docker将其部署到Amazon ECS. 构建的一些功能包括导入和导出CVS/Excel, file uploads, user registration, and data input.
  • Implemented the front end using Next.js and deployed it to Amazon ECS using Docker. Used Figma to design and implement various functionalities, including user registration, data input, graphs, and CSV/Excel import/export.
  • 使用AWS (Amazon ECS)配置了运行Docker映像的登台和生产环境, Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) for database, AWS load balancers, etc.).
Technologies: React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Laravel, Chart.js, Figma, Web Development, Dashboards, Graphs, CVS, CSV Export, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Design Systems, Amazon RDS, MySQL, SQL, Front-end Development, Back-end Development, Authorization, User Authentication, Web Dashboards, Dashboard Design, Sass, Flexbox, Amazon EC2, GitHub, GraphQL, Software

Senior Full-stack Developer

2023 - 2024
Freelance Clients
  • Implemented various dashboard pages using data tables, aggregating data from APIs, and implementing search and pagination.
  • 使用Figma提供的设计实现各种登陆页面.
  • 提供实现各种api和cron作业的支持,以基于用户操作构建统计信息,并提供对仪表板中该数据的访问.
Technologies: React, TypeScript, JavaScript, Vue 2, MongoDB, Web Dashboard, Dashboard设计, Figma, Express.js, Nuxt.js, Axios, Bootstrap, APIs, REST APIs, Vuex, Redux, Sass, CSS, HTML, REST, Front-end Development, NoSQL, Web Design, Tailwind CSS, Back-end Development, Authorization, User Authentication, Design Systems, Flexbox, GitHub, GraphQL, Software

Angular Developer

2019 - 2023
Automated Business Logic, LLC
  • Implemented the main app using Angular, which included a content feed, a commenting feature, sharing, and a web socket push API.
  • 为应用在App Store和Google Play Store的发布提供支持.
  • 构建各种Cordova插件来提供后台媒体播放等功能,然后将应用程序和相应的插件迁移到Capacitor.
Technologies: JavaScript, Bootstrap, Angular, Ionic, Webpack, Cordova, WebSockets, Capacitor, Cordova Plugins, YouTube API, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), REST, Front-end Development, SQL, Authorization, User Authentication, Sass, GitHub, Software

Angular PWA Developer

2022 - 2022
Julio Cesar Simczak Vedana
  • Implemented real-time tracking of currently playing games, 根据正确预测获得的分数对选手进行排名, 以及显示他们在世界杯期间位置变化的图表, using Chartist.js.
  • 使用Angular构建应用程序,并使用pwbuilder将其发布到Google Play和app Store.
  • Provided support for the release. 它的下载量超过10万,在比赛期间为2万多名活跃用户提供服务.
Technologies: Angular, Ionic, JavaScript, PWA, Cordova, Chartist.js, Graphs, PWABuilder, GitLab, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), REST, Front-end Development, Figma, SQL, Authorization, User Authentication, Sass, Flexbox, Software

Senior Software Engineer

2011 - 2015
  • 通过支持开发平台的客户账户和体验细分,为MVNO平台的开发做出了贡献.
  • 为公司基于android的社交网络应用开发新功能.
  • Trained other developers on Android programming and best practices.
  • 作为核心Android移动团队的一员,合作开发一个跨公司团队使用的框架, focusing on good practices and performance.
  • 为申请公司工作的候选人进行技术面试.
Technologies: Objective-C, iOS, Java, Android, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Agile Software Development, Facebook API, Test-driven Development (TDD), CSS, HTML5, Back-end, APIs, REST APIs, Full-stack, Full-stack Development, Front-end, Testing, REST, Front-end Development, Linux, MySQL, Git, PHP 5, MacOS, Programming, ECMAScript (ES6), Message Queues, Mobile, Team Leadership, Architecture, API Integration, NoSQL, CI/CD Pipelines, Jenkins, Back-end Architecture, Technical Leadership, Database Design, Software Architecture, Web Development, Ubuntu, Material Design, Mobile App Development, Card Payments, Digital Payments, Databases, Leadership, SQL, Back-end Development, Authorization, User Authentication, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Vanilla JS, Software

Software Developer

2010 - 2011
Machteam Soft
  • 与团队合作,从零开始建立一个每日交易平台.
  • Developed, together with a team and from scratch, 一个将公司和记者聚集在一起的新闻发布平台.
  • 将公司的博客平台与公司收购的另一个博客平台整合, ensuring a seamless operation for their respective users.
  • 支持和维护公司建立和运行的各种遗留系统和网站.
  • 帮助完成了我加入公司时正在搭建的同学聚会平台.
Technologies: HTML, JavaScript, PHP, jQuery, Agile Software Development, Facebook API, Test-driven Development (TDD), HTML5, Back-end, Full-stack, Full-stack Development, Front-end, Front-end Development, Apache, Linux, MySQL, Git, PHP 5, APIs, REST APIs, Programming, REST, Team Leadership, Facebook Login, App Reviews, eCommerce, Back-end Architecture, Payment Gateways, Database Design, Software Architecture, Web Development, Ubuntu, Databases, Web Design, SQL, Back-end Development, Authorization, User Authentication, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Vanilla JS, Software

Software Developer

2007 - 2009
ITLand Multimedia
  • 为一家回收公司搭建了一个卡车和货物管理平台.
  • 更新并维护某催收公司客户管理平台.
  • 为IT运营和服务部门构建了一个跟踪工作流程的平台.
Technologies: HTML, JavaScript, PHP, jQuery, Full-stack, Full-stack Development, Front-end, Front-end Development, Apache, MySQL, PHP 5, APIs, REST APIs, Back-end, Programming, Team Leadership, Back-end Architecture, Database Design, Software Architecture, Web Development, Ubuntu, Databases, SQL, Back-end Development, Authorization, User Authentication, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Vanilla JS, Software

Prior是一个为餐厅提供SaaS服务的在线订餐平台. It includes mobile apps for Android and iOS, a web module for the customer-facing side, and a dashboard to manage menus, promos, schedules, and 3rd-party integrations (delivery services, payments, and more) for the restaurant-facing side. 它为西班牙100多家餐厅提供服务,处理了300多家餐厅,000 orders in the past five years.

Bolão 2022 – World Cup 2022 Predict the Winner App
Bolão 2022 is an application created to allow family, friends, 和同事们通过猜测2022年世界杯比赛的比分和获胜者来互相比赛. It includes real-time tracking of currently playing games, 根据正确预测获得的分数对选手进行排名, 以及显示他们在世界杯期间位置变化的图表. 它是用Angular构建的,并使用pwbuilder在Google Play和App Store上发布. It also used Chartist.js to draw the graphs. It has been downloaded by over 100,000 users, and it served more than 20,000 active users during matches.

ROIL – Interconnected Content
ROIL是一项允许您访问来自不同来源(播客)的内容的服务, YouTube channels, websites/blogs, etc.)在一个地方,通过关注feed并根据您的喜好推荐项目. 我使用Angular和Ionic开发网站和移动应用程序,Cordova和后来的Capacitor.
2005 - 2009

Bachelor's Degree in Systems and Automation

Politehnica University of Bucharest - Bucharest, Romania


Programming Languages

University of Washington via Coursera


Programming Cloud Services for Android Handheld Systems: Security

Vanderbilt University via Coursera


Programming Cloud Services for Android Handheld Systems

Vanderbilt University via Coursera



Vanderbilt University via Coursera


Programming Mobile Applications for Android Handheld Systems

University of Maryland, College Park via Coursera


Zend Certified Engineer PHP 5.3


jQuery, Node.js, REST APIs, Facebook Login, Flexbox, Facebook API, Google Analytics API, Vue, React, YouTube API, Twilio API, Vue 2, Vuex, Chart.js, Chartist.js, Web Audio


Capacitor, GitHub, Emacs, Git, Apache, Cordova Plugins, GitLab CI/CD, GitLab, Jenkins, CVS, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), Elastic, PWABuilder, Webpack, Figma


Angular, CakePHP, AngularJS, Bootstrap, Vanilla JS, Ionic, Express.js, Nuxt.js, Next.js, Material UI, Tailwind CSS, Redux, Laravel, React Native


PHP, HTML, JavaScript, PHP 5, TypeScript, HTML5, ECMAScript (ES6), SCSS, Sass, SQL, Java, Objective-C, Swift, GraphQL, CSS, C++


REST, Back-end Architecture, Database Design, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Agile Software Development, Test-driven Development (TDD), Testing


Mobile, DigitalOcean, MacOS, Android, iOS, Linux, Firebase, Ubuntu, Twilio, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, Amazon EC2


数据库,Amazon S3 (AWS S3), MySQL, MongoDB, NoSQL, Redis, PostgreSQL

Industry Expertise

Web Design


APIs, Back-end, Programming, Full-stack, Full-stack Development, Front-end, Front-end Development, Startups, Architecture, API Integration, App Reviews, eCommerce, Payment Gateways, Software Architecture, Web Development, Mobile App Development, Card Payments, Digital Payments, CTO, Web Dashboards, Dashboard Design, Dashboards, Back-end Development, Authorization, User Authentication, Software, Cordova, Beanstalkd, PWA, Progressive Web Applications (PWA), Responsive Web Apps, Message Queues, Team Leadership, WebSockets, CI/CD Pipelines, Technical Leadership, Material Design, Stripe Payments, Graphs, Axios, Firebase Cloud Functions, Leadership, CSV Export, Design Systems, Amazon RDS, SaaS, Microcontrollers

Collaboration That Works

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